

  1. 考试当天进入校园时,所有考生需提供本人考试(口试和笔试)日期之前24小时内核酸检测阴性证明(电子版与纸质版均可)。考生需全程佩戴口罩,持“身份证”和“准考证”(纸质版或电子版均可),出示“贵州健康码”和“通信大数据行程卡”(扫描国务院客户端小程序二维码获得)。以上两码均为绿码及体温合格(低于37.3度,不包括37.3度)方可进入校园及考场。

  2. 考点暂不接受考试前7天内有高风险区域、城市或地区旅居史的、本人“贵州健康码”提示需完成“三天三检”的以及未满足本通知第1条要求的考生。

  3. 请务必提前准备好相关证明和材料以顺利参加考试。请从云顶集团3118acm东校区大门(花溪大道)进入校园。

  4. 请下载打印《个人防疫情况申报表》,并按照提示填报相关信息,申报个人防疫情况,在第一个考试日提交该《个人防疫情况申报表》。注:此《个人防疫情况申报表》所收集信息仅用于记录考生个人在考点考试期间个人防疫信息,并无其它用途。《个人防疫情况申报表》下载链接/2022/0426/c2758a169404/page.htm

  5. 考生乘坐的机动车辆不得进入校园。在校园期间不得滞留或进入其它楼宇楼层。




Notice on IELTS Test Epidemic Prevention and Control Arrangement at GuizhouUniversity

November 21, 2022

Owing to recent pandemic situation, following the instructions from local Authority on Covid-19 prevention and control, and in order to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures, test takers who have registered for IELTS test at Guizhou University must be aware of and abide by the following important requirements:

1. All test takers are required to provide a negative Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) report (paper version and electronic version are both acceptable) issued within 24 hours prior to your test day (written and speaking dates) before being allowed entry into the university campus.

2. Before you enter the test venue on test day, you will be required to present your Travel Code for tracking your travel history in the past 7 days. Candidates who are from the area(s)with high risk in the past 7 days (with a 3-Days 3-NATs Needed marked in Guizhou Health Code) are not allowed to attend the test venue.

3. Please be sure you prepare the necessary documents in advance. These include your valid ID document, admission ticket (both paper and electronic versions are acceptable), green Guizhou Health Code, green Travel Code and a negative NAT report as mentioned above.Your temperature must be below 37.3  to enter the campus and attend the test. Wearing a mask is mandatory during all tests. All test takers must enter Guizhou University (East Campus) on Huaxi Street on test day.

4. Please visit /2022/0426/c2758a169404/page.htm  to download and print Personal Health Declaration Form, complete and present it on the first test day. The information collected in the form is only for test check purpose.

5. External vehicles are prohibited from entering the campus. Candidates are not allowed to stay on campus after the test,nor can they enter any other campus buildings or floors other than the floor where the test venue is located.

We will keep you updated if there is any change on the above arrangements. For inquiries, please call the test venue at 0851-88290245.

Please visit http://wjw.guizhou.gov.cn/ or call 0851-12345 for the latest information and requirements of pandemic control issued by Guizhou Provincial Health Commission.